Towel Manufacturers Association of Pakistan
ٹاول مینوفیکچررز ایسوسی ایشن آف پاکستان
Al-Karam Towel Industries (Pvt.) Ltd is a family owned and professionally managed industry since 1986. We are a network of manufacturing and exporting terry products under highly equipped technology and machines. With our team of intellectual individuals, versatile and innovative group of employees, we are crossing revenues over US $107 Million. With our team of highly experienced and innovative crew, we strive hard to satisfy our customers by supplying towels in the best affordable prices.
Title: Solid Dyed Towels
Description: Solid dyed towels are crafted with rich, uniform colors achieved through a solid dyeing process that ensures lasting vibrancy. Made from absorbent and durable materials, these towels offer a straightforward, elegant design that complements any bathroom or beach setting. Their simplicity and high-quality fabric provide both style and practicality. Send us your inquiry
Title: Micro Fiber Cloth
Description: Microfiber cloths are ultra-soft, highly absorbent, and lint-free cleaning cloths, perfect for a variety of tasks. Their fine fibers make them ideal for cleaning delicate surfaces without scratching, and they are effective at trapping dust, dirt, and moisture, making them a versatile tool for both household and industrial use. Send us your inquiry
Title: Institutional Towels
Description: Institutional towels are designed for robust use in commercial and institutional settings such as hotels, hospitals, and gyms. Made from durable and highly absorbent materials, these towels are built to withstand frequent use and laundering while providing reliable performance and comfort. Send us your inquiry
Title: Plain Towels
Description: Plain towels feature a classic and straightforward design, making them a versatile choice for any setting. Made from highly absorbent and durable materials, these towels offer reliable performance for bath or beach use. Their simplicity and functionality ensure they blend seamlessly with any decor while providing essential comfort and utility. Send us your inquiry
Title: Dyeing Setup-Continuous Dyeing
Description: Continuous Dyeing Setup is designed for the efficient and uniform dyeing of textiles in a continuous process. This setup allows for the uninterrupted application of dye to large volumes of fabric, ensuring consistent color and high production efficiency. Ideal for industrial textile operations, it improves workflow and reduces downtime while maintaining fabric quality. Send us your inquiry
Title: Power Looms Plain
Description: Power Looms for Plain Weaving are designed for the efficient production of plain weave fabrics. These looms operate at high speeds, offering reliable and consistent performance in industrial textile manufacturing. Ideal for producing basic and uniform fabric patterns, plain power looms ensure high productivity while maintaining fabric quality, making them a staple in large-scale textile operations. Send us your inquiry
Title: Air Jet Jacquard
Description: Air Jet Jacquard machines combine the precision of Jacquard weaving with the speed of air jet technology. These advanced looms use air jets to insert the weft yarn, enabling rapid and efficient production of fabrics with intricate patterns and designs. Ideal for industrial textile applications, Air Jet Jacquard machines ensure high-quality fabric output with detailed and complex patterns, making them suitable for a wide range of fashion and home textiles. Send us your inquiry
Title: Power Looms Jacquard Terry
Description: Jacquard Terry Power Looms are advanced weaving machines designed to produce terry fabrics with intricate patterns and designs. Utilizing the Jacquard mechanism, these looms allow for precise control over individual warp threads, enabling the creation of complex and detailed patterns in terry cloth. Ideal for towel manufacturing, these looms combine efficiency with high-quality fabric production, making them a staple in the textile industry. Send us your inquiry
Title: ACO 9 (Spinning)
Description: Quantity: 1320 Rotors
Category: Expansion 2019
Brand: Aco 9
Installation: 06/2019
Capacity /Day: 450 Bags
Strength: Productivity & Efficiency,
Less Wastage, Speed & Quality,
Automation, Recycled Cotton
Sustainability: Consumes less
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Title: Velour (Shearing)
Description: Quantity: 01
Category: Current
Brand: Mario Crosta
Installation: 08/2015
Capacity/Day: 12000 KGs
Strength: Speed, efficiency, low
wastage, superior quality
Sustainability: Consumes less energy
& produces less waste.
Remarks: Italian t
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Title: Looms (Air-Jet Weaving)
Description: Quantity: 60 + 48=108
Category: Current + Expansion 2021
Brand: Toyota
Installation: 09/2014 + 03/2021
Capacity/Day: 50000 KGs
Strength: Speed, efficiency, low
wastage, superior quality
Sustainability: Consumes less
energy, water & produ
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Title: MCS (High Temp - Dyeing)
Description: Quantity: 11 + 16
Category: Current + Expansion 2021
Brand: MCS
Installation: 09/2015 + 02/2021
Capacity/Day: 65000 KGs
Strength: Superior quality,
consistency, capacity & speed
Sustainability: Consumes less
energy, chemicals & water.
Send us your inquiry
Name: Kashif Mehtab Chawla
Address: D7 SITE, Mehtab Uddin Chawla Road, Super Highway, Scheme 33, Karachi 75330 Pakistan
Website: http://www.alkaramtowelindustries.com
Profile URL: http://towelassociation.com/al-karam towel industries pvt ltd